completing an article critique using APA format and supporting your responses with citations from the course content. evaluating and revising research questions based on the components suggested by Ledford and Gast (2018). evaluating the student’s rationale for determining research questions and ensuring that there is no critique, as well as citing sources in APA format.

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completing an article critique using APA format and supporting your responses with citations from the course content. evaluating and revising research questions based on the components suggested by Ledford and Gast (2018). evaluating the student’s rationale for determining research questions and ensuring that there is no critique, as well as citing sources in APA format.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Some tips for success:
1. For this assignment, you should read the article that is assigned in your section. The article can be found immediately under the link for this assignment. You will use the same article for Article critiques 1-5. Therefore, you will read the same article multiple times throughout the semester.
2. You must use APA format for this assignment. Review the syllabus for information regarding formatting, grammar, and spelling.
3. You should not use personal pronouns. Avoid statements such as, “I believe,” “I think,” “In my opinion.” Instead you should refer to the obtained data. You will lose .25 points each time one of these phrases is used.
4. When asked, you must support your rationale using a citation from the textbook. Failure to do so results in a 50% point deduction per item. Simply providing a citation is inadequate. You must use the content to support your response. See #5.
5. Each question has a different point value and is graded based on accuracy (i.e., are you correct and did you follow the instructions), completion (i.e., did you answer all parts of the question), and APA format/grammar. See this document Download documentfor a sample response and grading.
6. There are videos for the article critiques providing additional information.
7. Chapter 3 Download Chapter 3is provided in case you have not yet received your textbook. I annotated this chapter with notes to help you.
8. There is a sample article critique provided in the modules. The level of detail is not equivalent to the detail needed, but this example is designed to help you learn to read an article and identify the sections of the article in which you can find the needed information.
9. Review the syllabus for additional information about this assignment
10. The article critiques are set up in Canvas as an “exam;” however, you can open and close the assignment multiple times before the due date. You can also submit partial responses, save your work, and complete the assignment at a later date as long as you submit the assignment by the due date.
11. Consider writing your responses in Word and then copying to Canvas.
12. Some of my previous students created a self-monitoring checklist for being successful with the article critiques. They allowed me to share it with you! Self-monitoring checklist.
For the article critique there are a couple of things that I look for when grading:
1. Each question has a different point value. In general, the higher the point value, the
more detailed your response should be. Each question is then graded based on the
1. Accuracy-Are you correct? Oftentimes there is more than one correct
answer. I want to see that you can form a coherent argument using the
course content to guide your response.
2. Completion-Did you answer all components? For example, this week you will
be asked if the research questions are clearly defined. If not, you should
provide a revision. If you did not provide a revision, you didn’t completely
answer the question.
3. APA format/Grammar-Avoid personal pronouns, use APA format, avoid
direct quotations.
4. Citations to support your rationale-Some questions require citations, while
others do not. If citations are not provided, or you do not use them to
adequately support your rationale, you will receive a 50% point deduction.
Here is an example of a student response from a previous semester. This student was
answering the question: “Are the research questions clearly stated? Explain your rationale
using citations from the course content.”
Full Credit Example:
There are several components to consider when determining whether research questions are
clearly stated. Wolery et al. (2018) noted that research questions should be described in the last
paragraph of the introduction. In addition, to the location of the research questions, Ledford and
Gast described the required components of a research question. Specifically, Ledford and Gast
(2018) posited that a research question should have three components. These components
include the independent variable, dependent variable, and participants. In addition, Ledford and
Gast (2018) explain that research questions should be directional in nature. That is, the research
question should articulate whether the behavior is expected to increase or decrease as a result of
the independent variable.
Floress and colleagues (2017) evaluated the use of a multi-component social skills intervention
that involved direct training, relaxation, training, reinforcement, and homework. The goal was to
increase the occurrence of three target behaviors (i.e., listening to others, expressing empathy,
and complimenting others) in an Autistic child. Furthermore, Floress and colleagues sought to
determine if these skills would generalize to the school setting.
Consistent with Wolery’s recommendations, Floress et al. (2017) listed the purpose of the study
in the last paragraph of the introduction. However, Floress and colleagues did not include all of
the components suggested by Ledford and Gast. With regard to the first research question, the
independent variable was provided; however, it was a vague description. That is, the authors
used the term “Social skills training.” When reading the method section, there were multiple
components of the social skill training program including direct training, relaxation training,
reinforcement, and homework. While some of these components were planned, others seemed
unplanned. The dependent variables included listening to others, complimenting others, and
expressing empathy. While these were clearly stated, there are some potential issues with
measuring covert behaviors, such as listening. Floress et al. (2017) noted that the participant was
a child with autism. Finally, Floress and colleagues (2017) provided a research statement instead
of a research questions. Therefore, a direction was not provided.
The second research question sought to identify whether the skills learned during social skills
training would generalize to the classroom setting. This question did not include an independent
variable, dependent, or participants. Furthermore, it was not directional.
In summary, the research questions in the article written by Floress et al. (2017) failed to include
several key components. Therefore, the research questions were not clearly articulated and
should be rewritten. Key revisions should include specification of the independent variable. In
addition, the research questions should be directional. Revisions are as follows:
1. Is the use of a multi-component social skills package effective for increasing listening
skills in an Autistic child?
2. Is the use of a multi-component social skills package effective for increasing empathy in
an Autistic child?
3. Is the use of a multi-component social skills package effective for increasing the skill of
complimenting others in an Autistic child?
4. Following a multi-component social skills intervention, will an Autistic child use the
skills of listening to others, complimenting others, and showing empathy, in the
classroom setting?
Notice how the citations were interspersed throughout the student’s response and the
student used these citations to build a rationale for their answer. Pay attention to the
revisions provided. Make sure that you provide revisions, if needed. Also notice how there
are no direct quotes or personal pronouns. Instead of using direct quotes, the student
summarized the content in their own words. The only thing that the student could consider
adding is a discussion regarding the number of research questions that were included.
They also cited the authors slightly wrong given the Edited book, but I wasn’t picky about
No Credit:
Yes the research questions are clearly stated (Ledford and Gast (2018).
This answer received no credit, because there was no explanation describing the student’s
rationale for determining the research questions are clearly stated. In other words, there
was no critique. In addition, the citation is not in APA format.
No.This answer received no credit. Surely you can guess why.

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