comparing and contrasting the relationships between divine creators and their creations, specifically human beings, as depicted in the creation and flood stories of Gilgamesh and the excerpt from Genesis.

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comparing and contrasting the relationships between divine creators and their creations, specifically human beings, as depicted in the creation and flood stories of Gilgamesh and the excerpt from Genesis.

Practice comparing and contrasting creation and/or flood stories. This discussion should build your critical reading and analysis skills, as well as help prepare you for your essays later in the course. Keep in mind that, as the Creation Stories and Flood Narratives page states, your central concern is to understand what these features reveal about the relationship between the divine creators and their creation, especially human beings. Tasks: After carefully reading the materials in this unit and completing the quiz and discussion, respond thoughtfully to the prompt below in an essay with a minimum of 750 words. Prompt: While reading Gilgamesh and the excerpt from Genesis included in the Unit 1 materials, consider the relationships depicted between divine creators and their creations, especially human beings. Select one brief passage roughly two to four sentences in length from each text (two total) that reveals something about these relationships, and then analyze them. In what ways might these relationships be similar? How do these relationships differ? Draw some conclusions from your analysis. In what ways are these similarities and differences significant?
Criteria on which you will be graded:
Your selection of passages to support your argument is thoughtful
Your analysis is specific and original
Your post speaks to the relationship between the divine creators and their creation, especially human beings
Your writing is clear and well-organized
Your in-text citations and Works Cited are correctly formatted in MLA style

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